Stepp, Charles wrote:
> Yeah...I use shell scripts to rename and rearrange music and podcasts on
> my MP3 Players. I just don't understand why the original namers can't
> get the Year before Month before Day concept.
> Charles Stepp
> Meskimen's Law:
> There's never time to do it rite, but there's always time to do it over.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Morgan gangwere [...] Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 1:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Cygwin is saving my ass

I wrote a nice little python script to do that... its rather long and uses libmp3. The only problem is that neither side can easily handle a title such as /home/morgan/Music/Binärpilot - You Can't Stop Da Funk/Binärpilot - Markell Fiksen.mp3 because the ä should be an umulated a. lowercase. unicode sez so.

(thunderbird isnt picking up the list again! Grrr!)
Morgan Gangwere

Unknown Software

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