Mike Marchywka <marchywka <at> hotmail.com> writes:

> I'm trying to build this right now but I'm curious to know how you think this
compares to something like
> "R" ? I was looking for source code to add to my code for doing right censored
non-parametric significance
> tests that I can integrate with some wavelet code. 

I have no idea. Never used R. But on the PSPP fora there is something written
about it.

I managed to get past ./configure --without-libplot
> and it now seems to have compiled ok. "make check" passed several tests and
now seems
> to have failed "command/sample.sh" and now passing most of other tests
> =====================================
> 1 of 93 tests failed
> Please report to bug-gnu-pspp <at> gnu.org
> =====================================
> make[2]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/e/new/temp/pspp/pspp-'
> Not Found: vi

Is there a special reason why you not try the latest alpha release 0.6 ?
That compiles fine as long as you not try to compile the GUI. A place a howto
compile pspp with cygwin in the pspp user forum. That is with libplot enabled.


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