>>>>> Fergus writes:
  > Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 11:01:20 +0100
  >>> ... but was stopped by the necessity to perform
  >>> the mount command with admin rights.
  > ... Can you say where it breaks down, for you?

Hi Fergus,

thank you for your response. It was three month ago, when I tried your
recipee, so my remembrance migth be a little vague. I don't have a
Cygwin USB stick available at the moment to reproduce the problem I
encountered instantly. But I will sure try it again as soon as


  - I wanted to use / test the Cygwin installation from my USB stick
    working on W2K under a restricted account (i.e. no admin rigths)

  - A cygwin installation existed on one of the hard disks which had
    been performed as admin for all accounts on that system.

  - Trying to unmount the existing cygwin drives, I was told not to
    have the needed admin rigths.

I'll be back

parozusa at web dot de

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