Sven Severus wrote:

> This is very regrettable.
> I miss these mail-archive files pretty much, because
> they were an excelent source of knowledge about cygwin
> and help. With these files and the grep utility I have
> almost always found solutions for my problems or at
> least useful references...
> I think many cygwin users would agree with this.

You don't need the raw archives for that.  Google "
inurl:ml inurl:cygwin search-term-here" works wonderfully and doesn't
require downloading many megabytes of junk.  You can even add
"inurl:2007" to limit by year.  Also, there's the mhonarc search tool on
the site, as well as gmane and nabble.  Gmane even has a download
function for retrieving archives if you really must have them.  You're
making this out as a problem that simply does not exist.


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