This is installation process of DBD::Sybase (I installed DBI before DBD::Sybase)

$ perl Makefile.PL
Unknown Client Library version - assuming FreeTDS.

By default DBD::Sybase 1.05 and later use the 'CHAINED' mode (where available)
when 'AutoCommit' is turned off. Versions 1.04 and older instead managed
the transactions explicitly with a 'BEGIN TRAN' before the first DML
statement. Using the 'CHAINED' mode is preferable as it is the way that
Sybase implements AutoCommit handling for both its ODBC and JDBC drivers.

Use 'CHAINED' mode by default (Y/N) [Y]:

The DBD::Sybase module need access to a Sybase server to run the tests.
To clear an entry please enter 'undef'
Sybase server to use (default: SYBASE):
User ID to log in to Sybase (default: sa):
Password (default: undef):
Sybase database to use on SYBASE (default: undef):

* Writing login information, including password, to file PWD.

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Using DBI 1.604 (for perl 5.008008 on cygwin-thread-multi-64int) installed in /u
Writing Makefile for DBD::Sybase

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