* Prakashmp (Wed, 28 May 2008 21:06:01 -0700 (PDT))
> Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> > * Prakashmp (Wed, 28 May 2008 03:45:51 -0700 (PDT))
> >> I have installed Cygwin (DLL on Vista Business edition (64
> >> bit).
> >> I am trying to do ftp using command as for one of my application, this is
> >> requirement. I am getting error like:
> >> 
> >> "ftp: connection: Connection refused"
> >> 
> >> and no other error.
> >> 
> >> I am trying to do ftp to localhost also for which I am getting same
> >> error.
> >> 
> >> Requirement:
> >> 
> >> # I want to ftp from other system to vista box.
> >> 
> >> I have admin previleges to the system.
> >> 
> >> Could anyone let me know how this issue can be resolved?
> > 
> > $ which ftp
> > /usr/bin/ftp
> > 
> Hi when I say which ftp, it says similar to the one you mentioned.
> $ which ftp
> /usr/bin/ftp

Please be precise or your problem will never be solved. Does it give a 
similar response or exactly the same. What does it say?
> But How does this solves the issue?

It doesn't. It was just a friendly hint to give more information.

To be honest: everything you wrote so far does not make sense. Your 
"requirement" is to run a FTP server on the Vista box. Do you do that? 
Which one? Have you verified it's running? How did you verify that? From 
which OS are you trying to connect? With which FTP client? Is UAC 
activated on the Vista machine? The firewall? Did you configure 
exceptions? (etc., etc., etc.)


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