
I am trying this route after failing to find a relevant topic on web or with 
local gurus. 

Problem in short: 

I have a folder on a unix server mapped as a windows drive z(y is another drive 
another unix server). 
I am able to browse through the folders from windows explorer and read/write 

I am running into an issue when I access those mapped network drives from 
When I try I get the following error message " 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /cygdrive 
$ ls -l 
total 4 
drwxrwxr-x+ 30 ???????? SYSTEM 0 Jun 3 09:35 c 
drwxr-xr-x 37 uday_p Domain Users 1536 Mar 12 23:34 y 
drwxr-xr-x 36 uday_p Domain Users 1536 May 31 23:58 z 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /cygdrive 
$ ls y 
ls: reading directory y: Permission denied 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /cygdrive 
$ ls z 
ls: reading directory z: Function not implemented 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /cygdrive 
$ mount 
C:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode) 
C:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode) 
C:\cygwin on / type system (binmode) 
c: on /cygdrive/c type system (binmode,noumount) 
y: on /cygdrive/y type system (binmode,noumount) 
z: on /cygdrive/z type system (binmode,noumount) 


My windows domain is MYDOM 

I did do the mkgroup -l -d MYDOM > /etc/group and 
mkpasswd -u uday_p -p /home -d MYDOM >> /etc/passwd 

I am able to navigate the directories though which means that I do not have the 
group/user id set properly from cygwin. I do not know how to fix that. 

The id on UNIX server is 
unix2 /users/udayb > id -a 
uid=1066(uday_p) gid=2(eng) groups=2(eng),15(crypto) " 

and on cygwin it is 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /cygdrive 
$ id -a 
uid=264583(uday_p) gid=10513(Domain Users) 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /cygdrive 

I am a developer on unix environment and I have a project where my code from 
unix server has to 
be compiled from windows (intel ixp stuff). 
Will appreciate any help in getting the access issue fixed. 

I am guessing that it is because of the difference in the gid between unix and 
on cygwin. I did 
manually modify the entry on cygwin to mirror the value in unix, but that did 
not help. 

Thanks in advance, 

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