Am Donnerstag 17 Juli 2008 schrieb René Berber:
> Matthias Meyer wrote:
> > I've installed (cygrunsrv -I) a ssh tunnel with:
> > /usr/bin/autossh -M 0 -o ServerAliveInterval=20 -o 
> > ServerAliveCountMax=3 -N -C -i /etc/.ssh/id_rsa -L 389:localhost:389 
> > 
> > Unfortunatly this tunnel will not startet at boot time.
> > If I start the service with cygrunsrv -S it will run.
> > 
> > Any hint?
> Several:
> - Did you add the environment string required (AUTOSSH_NTSERVICE)?
> - Did you add a dependency to the network? (not required but it makes 
> sense);
> - Did you install the service to run as your account? (OpenSSH refuses 
> to run if the access to the keys is too lax, or if it has no access as 
> in other users don't have access to your keys).
> The command line I used for installation is (with obfuscated password of 
> course):
> $ cygrunsrv --install autossh --path /usr/bin/autossh --env 
> "AUTOSSH_NTSERVICE=yes" --args "-M 0 -F /etc/autossh/ssh_config.remote 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]" --user rberber --passwd SECRET -y tcpip
> The configuration file, ssh_config.remote has all the options for ssh:
> $ cat /etc/autossh/ssh_config.legosoft 
>          Host 
>               AddressFamily inet
> BatchMode yes
> #BindAddress
> CheckHostIP no
> Compression yes
> LocalForward localhost:3333 sunfire:3333
> Protocol 2
> TCPKeepAlive yes
> I found that using other options, like User, IdentityFile, 
> UserKnownHostsFile, and HostName made the whole tunnel fail, I really 
> don't know why, I didn't experiment further.
> -- 
> René Berber

If I start the service with cygrunsrv -S or from Windows-GUI 
("Administrative Tools", "Services") it will run. Therefore I dont believe 
that the parameters or configuration are not ok.

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