Reini Urban <rurban <at>> writes:

> 2008/7/20 r:
> > I've a problem with cron, it does not send email
> > when the job is done.
> Very good! I'm seeing improvement following
> Netiquette
> Esp. "Mail should have a subject heading which reflects the content of
> the message."

Subject : cron jobs and email
" I've a problem with cron, it does not send email
  when the job is done. "

where is the mismatch ???????

> Also "cron & mail"?

yes "cron & mail" too, and I followed all the directions

> > MAILTO=Proprietario
> This should be a valid email address?

yes, it is my login account under winxp

> Try sending the email on the commandline to this address. cron does it
> as your local user or as user SYSTEM, dependent of how you installed
> your cron service.

the correct address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I tried with "email" program and it send emails to this account

> cron just uses the /usr/bin/sendmail symlink.
> Check your eventlog for cron errors.

as I told /var/log/cron.log is empty
the result of " cronevents " is 

2008/07/20 22:36:33 [Proprietario] crontab: PID 3184: (Proprietario) BEGIN EDIT
2008/07/20 22:36:49 [Proprietario] crontab: PID 3184: (Proprietario) REPLACE
2008/07/20 22:36:49 [Proprietario] crontab: PID 3184: (Proprietario) END EDIT
2008/07/20 22:37:01 [SYSTEM] /usr/sbin/cron: PID 440: (Proprietario) RELOAD
2008/07/20 22:38:01 [SYSTEM] /usr/sbin/cron: PID 3752: (Proprietario) CMD

> Maybe another RFC will help, SMTP

What are you speaking about, I think I'm able to managed basic rules
about smtp. Thank'you

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