Wilfried wrote on Monday, July 21, 2008 10:11 AM:

> Ehh, I just saw that Rodrigo Medina addressed all these problems.
> So the script would probably look like this:
> --------------snip-------------
> #!/bin/sh
> $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 | unix2dos > tmp_file
> cygstart notepad.exe /p tmp_file
> rm tmp_file
> --------------snip-------------

It looks to me that the command
        $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
has two or three problems:
  (1) Arguments are not quoted.
  (2) One might have more than a command and 4 arguments.
  (3) It is also possible that one may have surprises if /bin/sh is set up so 
when non-interactive it handles aliases and shell functions differently than 
So I would just pipe into the shell script.

The second place is that there is theoretically a race between cygstart and rm. 
 What happens if rm deleted tmp_file before notepad reads it?  I can think of 
two ways to handle it.  Adding
        sleep 1
to delay rm by a second will probably usually be enough of a delay.  
        "$(cygpath -u "$COMSPEC")" /c start /wait notepad.exe /p tmp_file
        cygstart notepad.exe /p tmp_file
to use Windows' start command will wait until notepad is closed.  (This may be 
longer than you want to wait.)

But I haven't tried this, so it may not work.

unix2dos > tmp_file
cygstart notepad.exe /p tmp_file
sleep 1
rm tmp_file

- Barry

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