Mike Marchywka wrote on 15 August 2008 17:56:

> btw, is there a known problem with lynx that causes it to die when the
> url is too long? 

  There have been such problems in the past; I notice that the distro
version we have is 2.8.5rel5, and there have been two buffer overflows fixed
upstream since then, according to the CHANGES file.

> I don't have an example right now but I've noticed several times, and it
> appears to be with long urls, that lynx dies for no obvious reason. 

  Next time it happens, please keep a note of the URL and I'll look into it
if you like.  Any stackdumps you have lying around might be useful as well.
(Feel free to contact me offlist about this if you're concerned with

> I use something
> like lynx -dump -width 1200 url. I don't think this normally violates the
> command line length constraint which I thought was many k.

  No, it doesn't, and even if it did, you ought to just get an error from
bash, not a crash.

> Is there a
> server response that can provoke an abnormal termination ( want to say  
> seg fault or access violation but can't remember)?

  Absolutely not!  Why on earth would anyone want to let a remote server
crash their software?  No, you just get a nice friendly error status code
(e.g. 404) which your browser is supposed to display to you.

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