Haven't had many bad experiences with Win98,
and now being serious, I do use XP and cygwin,
but still prefer Win98 performance cf. XP on same H/W
Its just a pitty I won't be able to keep the CYGWIN up to date on my WIN98

Its bad enough having to use windows, but having to upgrade to XP or VISTA
is just out of the question.

I'm not surprised that you're having bad experiences with Windows if you
insist on using obsolete, unsupported software that wasn't designed for
modern hardware.  I expect I'd have a lot of problems too if I reinstalled
Version 4 of Suse which I first bought over a decade ago.

The jury's still out when it comes to Vista - but for XP, many users have
found it to be a highly stable OS. Personally, I find XP to be more stable
than 64Studio which is easily the most stable of the (ten) Linux distros
that I've tried.  And Win2K is also excellent, as Derek suggested.

Admittedly, XP's "Fisher Price" look is offputting but you don't need to
use it.  I prefer the 'classic' look which I've used ever since XP first
came out.  I've never once had any incompatibility problem with it.

Give it a try - you might be pleasantly surprised.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Trans-Mit Support" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <cygwin@cygwin.com>
Sent: 25 August 2008 06:10
Subject: End of support for 9x

Note that the official support for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me
will be discontinued with the >
next major version (1.7.0) of Cygwin.

Its bad enough having to use windows, but having to upgrade to XP or VISTA
is just out of the question. Looks like I won't be using any new versions
of cygwyn

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