Greetings! I have a question for the DLL and ld gurus.

Is it possible to create an import library for ld on Win32 that will fulfill function and data symbols that were not declared with the dllimport attribute?

For example, the variable myvar is declared in unit.c as:
extern int myvar;

I would want to be able to fulfill myvar from either a static library or a DLL as desired, without having to recompile unit.c.

The above example is a very simple one. What I'm actually working on is the use of shared (DLL) versions of GCC's support libraries -- currently libstdc++. None of the libstdc++ declarations are marked __declspec(dllimport), and when it comes time to link with it I get messages like the following:
Info: resolving std::cout  by linking to __imp___ZSt4cout (auto-import)
This of course works fine, but it's sub-optimal; I would like for the message not to be displayed at all, and I imagine that the auto-import machinery shouldn't even need to be activated if the import library for the libstdc++ DLL is properly designed. Also, hiding the message with --enable-auto-import would also hide similar messages from other libraries that I *would* want to see.

Thanks in advance,
John E.

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