
At main office we have a data storage server with a ~100 Gb folder of data 
which is daily updated on about 80 Mb. These updated 80 Mb of data should be 
daily synchronized to a remote data storage at branch office via rsync. rsync 
client is installed on a workstation at the branch office and cygwin 1.5.25-15 
sshd service is installed on a workstation at the main office. The synchronized 
data storage folders are available to these workstations as network drives. 
These ~100 Gb folders of data contain a lot of 0,5 - 2 Mb sized files which are 
pdfs and picture scans. rsync works perfectly on smaller volumes of data, when 
we transmit, for example, 100 Mb of these files. But when we try to transmit 
all the 100 Gb folder in which we have only 80 Mb of new files and the rest of 
the files are identical by name, size and modification time to destination 
folder files, we got rsync somewhat "hung".

The following cmd file is used to run rsync at the branch workstation:

rsync -Wvrt --ignore-existing --progress -e "ssh.exe -i C:\id_dsa" [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:/x/ /cygdrive/z/

where x - is an attached network drive ~100 Gb folder of the data storage at 
the main office,
z - is an attached network drive ~100 Gb folder of the data storage at the 
branch office.

During the execution rsync tells "receiving incremental file list" and then it 
"hangs" - it doesn't update this incremental file list. After 14 hours of 
transmission according to a transmission log it transferred only two files of 0 
bytes total size.

So the question is what is wrong? I can't beleive that rsync can't handle with 
such a big volume of data when it is necessary to transmit only a small part of 

Any ideas and suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


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