which-2.20-1 for Cygwin 1.5 and which-2.20-2 for Cygwin 1.7 are now

New upstream release.

Which is a utility that prints out the full path of the executables
that bash(1) would execute when the passed program names would have
been entered on the shell prompt. It does this by using the exact
same algorithm as bash.

Note that downloads from sources.redhat.com (aka cygwin.com) aren't
allowed due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need
to find a mirror which has this update, please choose the one
nearest to you: http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html

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David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
                -- Voltaire

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