Andy Koppe wrote:
> Lee D. Rothstein wrote:
>> I do lots of bash scripting including Windows/DOS commands, and I
>> can think of only one character cell app that ever gave me any
>> trouble from rxvt or xterm (whatever that app is -- I think a
>> Resource Kit app), I found a work-around and never needed it
>> again.
> 'net' is a troublesome command that's been mentioned, although it seems
> to be ok for basic stuff. But I guess there might be still be a few DOS
> fullscreen apps around. Turbo Pascal perhaps? But yeah, I'd sooner
> implement tabs than worry about DOS apps. ;)

"full screen" or "DOS" is a red herring. Any program that does something
like the following, if compiled as a native program, won't work in rxvt
(or MinTTY, or cygwin/cmd-shell-with-CYGWIN=tty):

#include <stdio.h>
main() {
  int c;
  while ((c = getc(stdin)) != EOF) fputc(c, stdout);

The thing is, THIS program works as part of a pipeline even when
compiled as a native program -- but it breaks if you try to use it
interactively within rxvt/MinTTY/etc.  A cygwin-compiled version works
in all cases.


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