I finally got cygwin 1.7 swapped-in to try to reproduce my problem. Good news, after a few hours of pinging a website, ZERO ERRORS for now. Since it is an intermittent error, I'll let it run at 6 seconds interval until tomorrow.

Now some issues raised with 1.7 .................
$ ls -l /etc/passwd /etc/group
-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 UNKNOWN mkpasswd 74 Feb 25 23:42 /etc/group
-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 UNKNOWN mkpasswd 81 Jan 11 19:06 /etc/passwd

For BOTH files having write access by everyone, any attemps to edit the files with "vim" will result on a permament block on OPEN. No EPERM error code. Now I did NOT upgrade anything elso but just replacing cygwin1.dll file. I was able to append a new-line to the group file. When editing group file, "vim group" became "vim -u NONE group" is procps output.

As I was reading 1.7 docs on mkpasswd & mkproup, I didn't see any way to specify a UID or GID when creating the entry. Otherwise, things are looking up. With my two web servers running fine.

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Feb 22 18:24, Paul McFerrin wrote:
I've been having the same problem for the past two weeks. Just didn't know where to look. Thanks for sharing. Maybe we can get someone on this.

Wget would just HANG intermittently in the Connecting phase.

I don't observe this problem.  Does updating to Cygwin 1.7 help?


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