> Has the correct version of 'tack' been built and packaged? It appears that 
> version 1.05
> was built and packaged as version 1.06-1.
> $ cygcheck -c tack
> Cygwin Package Information
> Package              Version        Status
> tack                 1.06-1         OK
> $ tack -V
> tack version 1.05
> [snipped]

Yes, that's correct. Upstream tack-1.06.tgz forgot to update tack.h when
they rolled the 1.06 release:

$ grep VERSION tack-1.06/tack.h

I didn't notice the problem before I released the cygwin package, and I
don't think its worth a respin for just that.  But thanks for pointing
out the problem.


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