I am trying to use ocropus, which needs some files mounted to /usr/local/share.
My Setup is the following:
Windows Server 2008 64 bit
I create a user, this user should start ocropus and it is startet as a
service from cygrunsrv. The registry Key is set to:
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/local/share
native:C:\Program Files (x86)\Myprogram
If I start the service I get an error:
Ocropus Alpha (sauvola, rast, curved, tesseract)
0.1.1; Thu Feb 14 14:56:44 2008; CYGWIN_NT-5.1 pc-12 1.5.25(0.156/4/2)
2007-12-14 19:21 i686 Cygwin
Unable to load unicharset file /usr/local/share/tessdata/deu.unicharset
If I logon or use runas it does work properly and i dont have anymore
the problem.
i run strace and saw it tries to access
instead of
C:\Program Files (x86)\Myprogram\tessdata\deu.unicharset
This would be fine if I run only on this machine, but this is not the case.
I saw that there is no environment:
getwinenv: cant set native for HOME= since no environ yet
But how can ocropus still not mount correctly  but cygcheck yes:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Myprogram  /usr/local/share  user    binmode
(I run cycheck in the .bat file just before the ocropus.exe command)
Thanks in Advance

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