
* On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 03:02:56PM -0400 Charles Wilson wrote:
> Thomas Wiedmann wrote:
> >> There's also 'clear.exe', although it also does not clear/reset the
> >> scrollback buffer.
> > 
> > Where, i. e. in which Cygwin package?
> > In my %ProgramFiles%\Cygwin\bin there is no clear.exe.
>         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> This is probably a really bad place to install cygwin.  Spaces are bad
> bad bad.

Not every XP has %PROGRAMFILES% with a space in the directory name:


(this is a German XP)

But, in general, you are right. As the user cannot be sure to what a
specific environment variable will expand on each other's machines, one
should be very careful with such advices in the public.

Best regards,

Spiro R. Trikaliotis                              http://opencbm.sf.net/
http://www.trikaliotis.net/                     http://www.viceteam.org/

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