On Sun, 15 Mar 2009 at 22:35 -0700, l...@... wrote:

A large number (575) of 'man' pages, that reference other man pages using a
'.so' (source include) reference, fail to work because the plain text files
have the '.gz' extension appended without actually being gzipped. Could
this be due to a mishap in or with the 'cygport' package?

Each reference appears to be okay (I've only tested a handful), iff you
remove the '.gz' extension.

I see a similar list (only 574 :-) if I execute the following commands

$ cd /usr/share/man/man3
$ file *.gz | perl -ne 's/^[^:]*:\s*//; print unless /gzip compressed data/' | 
sort  | uniq -c
    574 ASCII troff or preprocessor input text

The error message I see

$ man wtimeout

gzip: /usr/share/man/man3/wtimeout.3x.gz: not in gzip format
fgets: No such file or directory
Error reading man page /usr/share/man/man3/wtimeout.3x.gz
No manual entry for wtimeout

If I examine where the files come from

$ cd /usr/share/man/man3
$ file *.gz | perl -ne 's/^([^:]*)://; my $f=$1; unless ( /gzip compressed data/ ) { my $cmd = 
"cygcheck -f $ENV{PWD}/$f"; print "$f - ".`$cmd`;  } '

I see they all come from one package "libncurses-devel-5.7-4"

To verify this a quick look at the man3 pages that are installed from libncurses-devel reveals the same 574 .gz files that aren't really compressed.
 (I needed the dos2unix because the output of the cygcheck/grep pipe had \015 
at the end of the lines,
  which caused xargs to choke)

$ cygcheck -l libncurses-devel | grep 'man3.*gz' |  dos2unix | xargs file  | 
perl -ne 's/^[^:]*:\s*//; print unless /gzip compressed data/' | sort  | uniq -c
    574 ASCII troff or preprocessor input text

So, at least many of your 575 files that are incorrectly named as .gz files are from one package. Perhaps this will bring you closer to a solution.


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