2009/3/23 Vincent R. <foru...@smartmobili.com>:
> since a few weeks everytime I tried to compile a projetc from its sources,
> very often I get
> permission issues like this :
> /usr/bin/m4:configure.ac:2173: cannot create temporary file for diversion:
> Permission denied
> I have found that my antivirus (Avira antivir personal) is responsible for
> that, could it be added
> to the bloda list if it's not already done.

I can confirm the same symptom, for me on cygwin-1.7 only.
write permission denied for $TEMP files during configure probes or
many perl File::Temp make test runs.

Probably turning off the guard will help.
Reini Urban
http://phpwiki.org/              http://murbreak.at/

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