> I believe that the settings we had previously discussed to get 'less' to
> accept
> <HOME> & <END> as beginning and end of stream respectively,
> stopped working with the 'mintty' v0.3.7 release.
> My .lesskey file is:
> --
> \eO1;2A back-line # <UP-ARROW>
> \eO1;2B forw-line # <DOWN-ARROW>

The keycodes for these changed in 0.3.4 due to being incompatible with
xterm. See http://code.google.com/p/mintty/issues/detail?id=37

> \eOH goto-line # <HOME> -- Beginning of input
> \eOF goto-end  # <END> -- End of input

Those should be fine actually. That's what mintty sends for Home and
End in 'application cursor mode'  since 0.3.7.

Here's what's needed:

\e[1;2A back-line
\e[1;2B forw-line
\e[5;2~ back-screen
\e[6;2~ forw-screen
\eOH goto-line
\eOF goto-end

The back-screen and forw-screen lines allow scrolling by whole pages
at a time by holding down Shift or Ctrl while rolling the mousewheel.
(And don't forget to run lesskey.)


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