> -----Original Message-----

> >
> >Ooops - apologies! Thought I routinely did so, but must have 
> overlooked 
> >it this time.
> FYI, you did it above too.  None of the above information 
> belongs in the body of your message.

What - you get someone's email addresses there? Very odd: I swear I
only see the mailing list as the one and only address in the To: field
(and no address in my Cc and Bcc fields) and I also left no email
address in those echoed headers. The only address I left in was in
"From:cygwin@cygwin.com", which IMHO - if some harvester has made it
into this newsgroup - he already knows anyway...

Or do you see any further email addresses included again? If so: very
strange - how come?


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