On Apr  2 14:15, A.R. Burgers wrote:
> LS,
> /usr/bin/install fails for me with cygwin 1.7 on network drives.
> Also mv has issues. Below is the output of the attached script bug.sh.
> On a local directory everything goes fine. On network drives,
> I get "Permission denied" messages (although I have write permission and
> the files are copied)
> attachment zz3_trace_install.txt has the strace output of /usr/bin/install.
> There is a "windows error 5" in the output.
> Teun
> 1.7.0(0.210/5/3)
> solcygin: //ecn/groups/g_zon_software/cygwin17
> sh: //ecnits/ecnshare/zon/burgers
> installing zz1.txt into /tmp ..
> -rw-r--r-- 1 burgers Domain Users 0 Apr  2 14:00 /tmp/zz1.txt
> moving zz1.txt into /tmp ..
> -rw-r--r-- 1 burgers Domain Users 0 Apr  2 14:01 /tmp/zz1.txt
> installing zz2.txt into //ecnits/ecnshare/zon/burgers ..
> -rw-r--r-- 1 ???????? ???????? 0 Apr  2 14:00
> //ecnits/ecnshare/zon/burgers/zz2.txt
> moving zz2.txt into //ecnits/ecnshare/zon/burgers ..
> mv: failed to preserve ownership for
> `//ecnits/ecnshare/zon/burgers/zz2.txt': Permission denied

Are these Samba shares by any chance?  I can reproduce this only
for Samba shares, not for remote Windows NTFS drives.

I have an idea why this occurs, at least in my configuration.
My Linux user account under which files are stored is not equivalent
to my Active Directory account since I'm not running winbind.

Are you using a winbind mapping from Windows SID to uid/gid?


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