On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 07:41:06PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
>On Monday, April 20, 2009, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> It isn't really erroneous. ??Something (awk) is trying to open a filename
>> with that includes backslashes, so cygwin1.dll thinks that it is trying
>> to open a DOS path.
>Except it looks like, from what's pasted above, that it's actually a
>non-filename backslash that's triggering it - the backslash inside an
>awk pattern, in this case.  It's seeing the regex /^\s/ and
>recommending that it be replaced with /^/s/.  Clearly the trigger is

Clearly you aren't getting this.

Cygwin isn't scanning command lines looking for backslashes to scold you
about.  The line in question was somehow used as an argument to open()
or stat() or access() or some other function which takes a filename
argument.  The fact that a human being can look at the line and conclude
that it isn't a filename is irrelevant.  Cygwin saw a backslash in a
filespec and complained about it.  That's how it works.


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