On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 08:30:20AM -0700, Wayne Watson wrote:
> As posted earlier, I downloaded the install via redhat/redwire, and then 
> found no way to complete the install. I did get 16M of files. I went 
> through the same source a few hours ago, redhat/redwire, but asked for the 
> install to be carried out via the internet, no download choice this time. 
> After a lot of rattling around I found nothing on my C-drive, desktop, or 
> in Start->All Programs. What's up?

If you are talking about downloading from the redwire mirror site and
only the redwire mirror site there is no reason to tack on a "redhat"
there anywhere.  If you are still on the kick of downloading Red Hat
packages from the Red Hat site then please go away.

In any event, if you really did use one of our mirrors and you really did
choose "Install" rather than "Download" (a fact which is inexplicably
hard to determine) then please send the contents of your setup.full.log
file here as an attachment so that we can see what's going on.


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