----- Original Message ----- 
From: "LAU2" 
To: <cygwin@cygwin.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 11:26 AM

| LAU2 wrote:
| > 
| > 
| > 
| > Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
| >> 
| >> 
| >> ----- Original Message ----- 
| >> From: "LAU2" 
| >> To: <cygwin@cygwin.com>
| >> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 6:04 PM
| >> 
| >> 
| >> | 
| >> | Hi I have been having similar problems with running cron on through
| >> cygwin. 
| >> | 
| >> | Here is what I have done so far:
| >> | 
| >> | 1) created a simple shell file <create_new_dir.sh>
| >> | 
| >> <snip>| 
| >> | 5) checked the /var/log/cron and here is what it said
| >> | 
| >> | unable to set groups for myusername
| >> | 
| >> | 
| >> | Any thoughts?
| >> ****************
| >> 1) was cron installed with cron-config ?
| >> 2) run "cronbug" and send us the output (attach)
| >> 3) the message indicates a failure in setgrp or initgroups. That's
| >> unusual.
| >>     Is your /etc/group up to date?
| >> 
| >> Pierre
| >> 
| > 
| > Answers
| > 
| > 1) yes. No problems
| > 
| > 2) see attached http://www.nabble.com/file/p23197369/cronbug.txt
| > cronbug.txt 
| > 
| > 3) This may be my problem. I can't find /etc/group in my directories. (I
| > apologize I am new to cygwin)
| > 
| > I should have mentioned this earlier but I am using windows vista, which
| > from the cronbug file i see it says not supported. 
| > 
| Ignore comment number 3).
| I followed the instructions below:
| <start>
| cat /etc/passwd
| Look for your current Windows login name
| Then look at the fourth field. [fields are separated by colons] Note the
| value.
| This value is called a GID (group ID)
| cat /etc/group
| Look for the line that begins with Users.
| Look at the third field, it should be the same as the GID above.
| If not, edit /etc/group so that it agrees.
| <end>
| They did not agree so I changed them so that they do agree. But still not
| luck. I have uploaded the new cronbug file
| http://www.nabble.com/file/p23197408/cronbug.txt cronbug.txt 
What you did with /etc/group looks wrong. If  I understand it correctly
you now have two lines in /etc/group with the same GID. I also notice
from cronbug.txt that the Users group does not display properly.
You may want to regenerate /etc/group, but none of the above explains
what we see with cron.

The cronbug file is now complete and your crontab exists.
Everything looks absolutely normal.
cron is running as yourself but can't setuid to yourself :(

Can you try the following:
1) Stop the cron service (cygrunsrv -E cron)
2) cd /usr/sbin
3) Type "./cron -x sch,load" (without "")
4) You will see immediate output, then a pause after "sec-to-wait=XXX"
    Let cron runs once after that, then kill it with ^C
Cut and paste the output and send it to us.




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