
Thanks for the reply !!!.
Now, I can access the windows sharable folder using this command:

"net use Z: \\\\vm-webin\\d$ my_password /user:myself"
"cd /cygdrive/z"

But this command is also available in Dos. So I can do the same thing
using dos also.

But in my cygwin presentation I want to show that you can access the
sharable PC folder using some linux command for ex: "mount" command.
Which is not available in windows dos command.

As in my previous post, you people suggested me some other solution to
access sharable window PC folder. For ex:

1.) cd //server_ip_address"
2.) mount -f -b //server_ip_address/data/ /home/user/temp/

In the above two example I can access the sharable PC if and only if
there is no user id or password required.
Since we are working in the organization so to access sharable folder
I need to enter the user Id and password.

Is there any way to access that windows sharable folder using user id
and password but only with Linux command.

Thanks and Regards,
Neeraj Sahu

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 5:03 PM, david sastre <d.sastre.med...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello there!
> I use this and works for me:
> net use Z: \\\\vm-webin\\d$ my_password /user:myself
> Then you can access the shared folder simply by
> cd /cygdrive/z
> Hope this is helpful. Good luck!
> 2009/5/11, Neeraj Sahu <neerajsahu2...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi Andy,
>> Thanks a lot for your help.
>> I have successfully accessed the sharable PC using command "cd
>> //server_ip_address"
>> But to access the shared folder it is saying permission denied.
>> Actually, that shared folder  folder have user id and password.
>> How Can I give user id and password using cd command to access that
>> window sharable folder ?
>> --
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Neeraj Sahu
>> On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 11:07 AM, Andy Koppe <andy.ko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I am going to present the seminar on Cygwin in my organization.In that
>>>> seminar I want to show you can access windows shared folder of any PC
>>>> from Cygwin. To demonstrate that I have tried to mount that windows
>>>> shared folder in cygwin but it didn't work. When I have searched in
>>>> google for it. I came to know that i need to install "samba" on
>>>> cygwin.
>>> No need to mount anything or install samba: windows shares can be
>>> accessed using the familiar Windows syntax, only with Unix slashes
>>> rather than DOS backslashes:
>>> //server/share/path_to_file
>>> Actually you can use backslashes too, but then the filename needs to be
>>> quoted:
>>> "\\server\share\path_to_file"
>>> Good luck with the seminar!
>>> Andy
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Thanks & Regards,
Neeraj Sahu

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