Duane Ellis wrote:

> yet, there is no 'libpopt<anything>' I can find to link against.

  Let me introduce you:


  Duane, this is the cygwin website package-search page.  Cygwin website
package-search page, this is Duane.  He wants to ask you a question about
where to find libpopt.la

> http://cygwin.com/cgi-bin2/package-grep.cgi?grep=libpopt.la

  Thank you, cygwin website package-search page!

> I can find the below via "cygwin-setup.exe"
>   Current version: 1.6.4-4, "keep",  libpop0: Library for parsing cmdline 
> parameters - (runtime)

  Sometimes the -devel package for a libXXX isn't called XXX-devel; sometimes
it's just called XXX.


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