Hi, Tim,

2009/5/23 Tim Prince <n...@aol.com>:
> Vladimir A. Petrov wrote:
> Not strange, when gnu ld depends on order of libraries for static linking.
>  ld doesn't rescan libraries when new references are added after the scan.
>  It's strange enough to attempt to link libraries installed under "Program
> Files"

If you would to read my initial message till the end you will notice
that the same problem happens with the legal Cygwin libraries opengl
and freeglut which is located in usual dirs like /usr/lib. By the way
why "Program Files" directory is worse than others if it easily can be
accessed by the fully qualified path? Try to say that it is strange
enough to the PostgreSQL guys, they are decided to put their libs
there, not I, I've just used default installetion paths. :-)


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