Dave Korn wrote:
Bill McCormick wrote:
Dave Korn wrote:

  You can find out at http://cygwin.com/packages/ by entering
"cygz.dll" in the search box.  (Hint: nope, zlib!)

But my zlib package is installed and re-installed. Any other ideas?

  The DLL itself is in zlib0.  There are three packages: from the package
search page, again -

zlib            The zlib compression/decompression library (doc)
zlib-devel      The zlib compression/decompression library (development)
zlib0           The zlib compression/decompression library (runtime)

Looks like I don't have the zlib0 (or devel). I've tried a number of reinstalls with no change. What can I do?

$ locate zlib
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