On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 12:10 AM, Edward Lam <edw...@sidefx.com> wrote:
> Thanks for explaining the UTF8 changes in cygwin 1.7. However, the decision
> to use UTF-8 for the C locale is questionable.

Not at all, because utf-8, as far as I understand, is used for
communication with the system in this context, and does not force
anything to the application. Most modern unixes use utf-8 nowadays, it
means that even if you have a C locale your terminal outputs text in
utf-8, your input is utf-8, your filenames are utf-8 (well, not
really, but the rest of the system sees them that way). Same stuff
here, except that launching non-cygwin processes is communication with
the system as well, and it needs conversion. And where is conversion
there is always possible loss of data. One way or the other.

> It seems to me that it would be much safer to use the SYSTEM DEFAULT code
> page (ie. the return value of the system GetACP() function) for CYGWIN
> instead, ensuring compatibility for the large class native Windows
> applications that are non-Unicode, non-CodePage aware.

It might be safe for you, but not for other people. If you have a
Russian default codepage and ever need to work with chineese/japanese
filenames and cygwin uses default codepage for filesystem operations
(as in 1.5 right now), then you are really screwed. In my opinion
utf-8 is a silver bullet here, and I'm very glad it went that way.

> I think it's very bad that changing LANG can result in a truncated *command
> line*, that has nothing to do with printf. The printf in the code was just
> for testing. The HUGE bug is that the application gets the  WRONG NUMBER OF

No, the bug is not that it gets wrong number of arguments. In fact,
Windows has no concept of arguments, only C runtime does, which parses
the command line. If command line is truncated, then C runtime will
have missing arguments when it tries to parse it.

I mentioned wprintf because recently I was wondering why
mkpasswd/mkgroup had a strange truncating behavior with russian
usernames and it turned out that wprintf, when it can't encode some
characters, stops right there and returns an error code. But, honesly,
who ever checks return codes from printf?

Here might be something similar. When constructing command line some
function is called and can't encode some character, returns error
status, but it's never checked, and you get truncated command line.

And btw, I'm not cygwin developer here, I'm just a speculating user
right now, because I haven't been searching this problem in the code.

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