On Jun 16 11:56, Fr?d?ric Bron wrote:
> > I applied a patch to Cygwin which also reports the IPv4 addresses of
> > disconnected interfaces, fetching the info from the registry.  It's
> > a pity that Windows doesn't correctly report these addresses in the
> > official API.
> >
> > This won't work for IPv6 and IPv6-only interfaces.  I didn't find a
> > generic way to list IPv6 addresses except for using the official API.
> > Since Windows Vista the IPv6 address information isn't stored in the
> > registry at all, at least not in a publically available, easy to read
> > place.
> Thank you, can I test it? Shall I just update my installation?

There's no new release yet.  The absence of an announcement speaks

The next developer snapshot or the next release will contain this
change, whatever comes first.  In the meantime you can build the
Cygwin DLL from CVS (http://cygwin.com/cvs.html).


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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Red Hat

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