Are you paying attention?  It can be cleaned up by:
rm -rf "/h/my name/cygnus solutions/*"
Yes, yes.  I know. Your internet connection is only 1 byte per second
so you desperately need to keep useless files around on disk for when
you accidentally type rm -rf /bin.

For Goodness sake. There really is nothing you enjoy more than admonishing 
people is there,
in that famously sarcastic and superior manner. My interpretation of the 
original post was that
the user was interested in maintaining a complete but minimal resource under 
/release/ ...

 ... "and keeping the two most recent updates" ...

... that would thus enable a fresh installation, internet-independent, on a 
virgin machine. The
script provided enables precisely that level of maintenance.

Any user of this list is of course free to ignore answers to questions they 
didn't put.

Love from,


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