On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 09:14:08PM +0200, Matthias Meyer wrote:
>Sometimes pipes, created with mknod, seems not to be work fully correct.
>Most of the time I can do:
>mknod /var/run/CONT p
>read -t 2 signal < /var/run/CONT.
>After 2 seconds I receive a timeout and the read returns.
>But sometimes the read will wait forever. And also if I write something
>to /var/run/CONT, the read did not read it.
>Furthermore I can not "reset" anything. I have to reboot the workstation
>thats pipes works again.
>Is there any posibility to reset something that pipes will work again
>without reboot?

>Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html

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