Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> On Jun 28 12:18, Matthias Meyer wrote:
>> David Christensen wrote:
>> > Matthias Meyer wrote:
>> >> Most of the time ssh can not connect to the sshd in Windows7.
>> >> In my logfile (in Windows7) I found:
>> >>  7300 [main] sshd 3772 child_copy: linked dll data write copy failed,
>> >> 0x2C5000..0x2C52E0, done 0, windows pid 3512, Win32 error 487
>> > 
>> > Have you done a rebaseall?
>> > 
>> >  
>> >
>> > all/
>> > 
>> > 
>> > I was getting weird Perl 'make test' errors, and rebaseall fixed them.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > David
>> If I rebase within Windows7 I can not use this programs and librarys
>> within other versions of Windows, right?
> rebasing has nothing to do with the OS on which you use the DLLs.
> Corinna
Than, maybee, rebasing is not a solution for my problem.
I build an own setup, similar cwrsync. This setup run well within XP and
Vista. But in Windows7rc the sshd have the above problem.

So I want to ask:
Should I rebase cygwin within Windows7?
And if I install this rebased programs and librarys within XP, should it
work too?

Don't Panic

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