Hey Andrew,

> Chris, please test my draft lftp 3.7.14 package for 1.7:
> http://home.comcast.net/~andrex2/cygwin-1.7/lftp/lftp-3.7.14-1.tar.bz2
> I compiled it with gcc-4.  On my XP host with Cygwin 1.7.0-50, this lftp
> segfaults when I run
> open ftp.debian.org
> cls -l
> Do you see the same behavior?

Yes, I can confirm that with your build I get the same segfault.
Interestingly, with mine you don't (at least I don't).  I've packaged
my build if you would like to test it to see if it works for you:


There is no /etc directory in the archive, as I did a 'make install'
with no cygport, just extract it in the root Cygwin directory.

FYI, I built using the following:

$ CC=gcc-4 CXX=g++-4 ./configure \
    --prefix=/usr \
    --sysconfdir=/etc \
    --libexecdir='$(sbindir)' \
    --localstatedir=/var \
    --datadir='$(prefix)/share' \
$ make
$ make install


Chris Sutcliffe

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