Ken Brown <> writes:

> On 7/3/2009 12:43 PM, Haojun Bao wrote:
> [empty message with attachment]
> Was this supposed to be a reply to my request for more information?
> I'll repeat what I said:
>> I can't reproduce this, but you haven't really given enough details.
>> I don't know if you're using cygwin 1.5 or 1.7, or which version of
>> emacs you're running, or....
> Please look at those two links and follow the guidelines for reporting
> a problem.

ehhh, man, very sorry, I might been busted by gmail, I don't know how
 this happen. The following is the reply I wrote to your
 request. Luckily Gmail saved it in Sent Mail.

Here it is, without the attachment:



Cygwin is 1.7, I update very often, and I can reproduce it both at home
and in office.

Here's the steps to reproduce it:

0. Start X, and set DISPLAY:
  $export DISPLAY=:0

1. start bash from cygwin.bat:
   $cygstart /Cygwin.bat

2. In the cygwin.bat console window, start emacs-X11 using run.exe:
  $run emacs-X11.exe -q

3. In the emacs window, move cursor up/down, take a note it's speed, and
   $ps aux|grep emacs
   $ls -l /proc/3804/fd/  #3804 is the emacs pid
Here's the output:
   lrwxrwxrwx 1 bhj None 0 2006-12-01 08:00 0 -> socket:[1584]=

a2. Quit emacs, start it again in cygwin.bat window, this time use:
   $emacs-X11.exe -q #without the `run'

a3. In the emacs window, move cursor up/down, I can see it's smoother
this time.  It's reproducible on my PCs both at home/office. And the fd
   lrwxrwxrwx 1 bhj None 0 2006-12-01 08:00 0 -> /dev/console
   lrwxrwxrwx 1 bhj None 0 2006-12-01 08:00 1 -> /dev/console
   lrwxrwxrwx 1 bhj None 0 2006-12-01 08:00 2 -> /dev/console
   lrwxrwxrwx 1 bhj None 0 2006-12-01 08:00 3 -> socket:[1612]=

Also, I used Procmon to see how emacs is doing. Emacs is sending/recving
lots of TCP packets to localhost 1053 (X server I guess), but in the 1st
case, 552/861 of their sizes are 32 bytes, while on the 2nd case, 318
out of 723 packets are of size 32.

Also, I checked how many of the packets are of size [100, 1000), the
result is more illustrative, in the 1st case, 86/861, in the second
case, 281/723

The Procmon result with only TCP data is attached, after unpack, there
is a slow.csv and a fast.csv.

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