Jason Pyeron <jpyeron <at> pdinc.us> writes:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ed Brady
> > Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 9:15
> > To: Dave Korn
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > All file look good,  I submitted to a couple of online file 
> > scanner sites and they confirmed no problem.  This appears to 
> > be a false positive with CA Antivirus...
> > 
> > BTW: After posting this message to the board I found 6 
> > additional exe files that also caused false positives.  I 
> > posted these new files in a message to the board also, 
> > however they all checked out good also..
> BTW, it would be nice if you could include the md5sum/version/etc of the files
> which had false positives in your reply so others may search/verify it.


Same problem here. eTrust Antivirus detected 106 files within my Cygwin
directory which are 'infected' by Win32/AMalum.ZZ<xyz>. I think these are false
positives. We have a rigorous policy concerning the security of our systems. No
files can easily get onto our system. No other files on my system are infected
according to eTrust Antivirus. Would be odd if only Cygwin files are infected.

I have reported this to CA (8 hours ago), but they have not responded yet.

Don't have md5sums (and can't create them anymore ;-).


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