At 00:08 2009-07-10 +0100, you wrote:
>> During Cygwin Setup noticed system crash, while setup screen displayed
>> something like:
>>      Running preremove script libusb-win32
>> Attempting to isolate the problem I told setup to keep the current version
>> of libusb-win32 and setup installed everything else apparently fine.
>> After this I tried running setup again with only this attempted update:
>> libusb-win32   ->
>> this again leads to a sudden system reset.
>> Questions:
>> 1. Am I correct in understanding this is not the intended behaviour?
>  Nah, it's not some kind of reset-to-complete-install thing, if that's what
>  you're wondering.  There must be a bug in the libusb driver when it's
told to
>  unload.
> 2. What is the best way to work around (or solve) this problem?
>    Start->Run->"devmgmt.msc".  Select "View" menu -> "Show hidden devices."
>    Expand the "Non-Plug and Play Drivers".  Find libusb.  Dunno exactly
what it's
>    called, but it should be fairly obvious; to check, when you find it,
>    double-click it to bring up the properties.  Switch to the "Driver"
tab and
>    click "Driver Details"; if the driver is called "libusb0.sys", that's the
>    right one.  Switch back to the "General" tab, click the "Device usage"
>    drop-down, select "Do not use this device (disable)".  Click OK, exit
>    everything, reboot.
>      You should now be able to run setup having booted without libusb
running, so
>      it won't have to unload to be replaced and won't crash doing so.
> 3. Who drove Igor Peshansky away? (So we may lynch him and bring Igor back.)
>        The hippos sent a ransom note... but we can't read it, as it's
covered with
>       a brown substance that sounds like a bell.
>           cheers,
>                 DaveK

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your quick reply.
Couldn't find libusb among "Non-Plug and Play Drivers".
Also libusb0.sys can only be found at: E:\cygwin\lib\libusb\
not at: C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\
This suggests that E:\cygwin\usr\sbin\libusb-uninstall either completed
anyway before the crash, or
libusb0.sys was never properly installed to begin with?
By the way:

  Dev #0: 0000 - 0000

And testlibusb-win shows:
  DLL version:
  Driver version:       -1.-1.-1.-1

  bus/device  idVendor/idProduct

Having a closer look at libusb-install and libusb-uninstall reveals that
running /usr/lib/libusb/install-filter crashes Windows. (Also when I try to
redo libusb-install from a bash prompt.) So this means something in Windows
(or another part of Cygwin?) changed to cause the install-filter.exe
program to now crash the OS? Assuming the new version would work correct
would a workaround be to replace the old install-filter.exe program with
something more innocent like the E:\cygwin\bin\echo.exe program? (Assuming
that after that Cygwin Setup would install the new libusb version with a
new, corrected install-filter.exe?)



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