Hi Dave,

the dependency was a bug of my own.

I tried linked against pthread...

now the my dll does not depend on cygwin1.dll anymore

Thanks a lot for your help
Am 28.07.2009 um 12:56 schrieb Georg Troska:

this information was very usefull to me. Thank you very much.

My plan is to build a dll with cygwin, that does not depend on cygwin1.dll. unfortunatelly my library is build now (that is great) but it still depends on cygwin1.dll (I have done objdump -P .. | grep dll)

Is it possible that the w32api-winsock library depends on this as well? I do not understand where this dependency comes from

Thank you very much
Am 28.07.2009 um 12:11 schrieb Dave Korn:

Georg Troska wrote:
thank you very much for this information

Where o I find windsock.h and its library? Do I need a SDK (e.g. Visual
C++) for this?

Nope, you need the w32api package (you should probably already have it),
this works for both cygwin and mingw compiles and provides headers in
/usr/include/w32api and libraries in /usr/lib/w32api that let you use all the
standard windows OS functions.  The file you're looking for is
/usr/include/w32api/winsock2.h (plain 'winsock.h' only gives the old V1 windows socket interface, nobody uses it any more), and the library is /usr/lib/w32api/libws2_32.a, the -I and -L options for the compiler should already be set up correctly so you just write "#include <winsock2.h>" in your C source and add '-lws2_32' to the compiler command line and away you go.

Note that you only want this as long as you're using -mno-cygwin; if you decide to write a Cygwin application, you just use the standard POSIX socket functions and don't use winsock2.h or libws2_32.a, and the Cygwin DLL takes care of the rest for you. (It is even possible to write a Cygwin app that bypasses the Cygwin DLL POSIX socket functions and uses the winsock API directly, but it's not a standard thing to do and fraught with possibilities
for bugs to arise, so I'd recommend against it.)


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