On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:56:12PM -0400, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
> On 07/28/2009 07:33 PM, Robert Mark Bram wrote:
> <snip>
> >One more question: I notice that each time I update Cygwin, I get
> >another "ftp...mirror.. " folder.
> I know this is not your question but I figured it was a point that was worth
> documenting for the archives if nothing else (though it has been made
> before so this would just be a "recent" version).  You only get another
> folder if the mirror you selected for this update was different than the
> one(s) you selected the last time you ran 'setup.exe'.  'setup.exe' will
> use (and remember) up to 4 simultaneously selected mirrors.  So you only
> need to select a (set of) mirror(s) once unless you prefer to do
> otherwise.

I've got 8 of these directories in my local package directory; some end with
%2f (/) and some don't. 

I zipped all this up, unzipped it on a new computer, and pointed setup to the
unzipped copy, but setup hardly installed any of the packages, even though I
can see all the the packages' tar.bz2 files there.

I don't think the setup.ini files are getting merged correctly.

Is there some way I can re-create one big setup.ini file from my current
computer, and just have setup use that on the new computer ?

- Tom

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