I found that Interix sshd and WinSSHD work ok here.
So it is something specific to Cygwin.
 - Jay

> From: jay.kr...@cornell.edu
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: running MS link.exe under Cygwin sshd?
> Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 04:50:15 +0000
> http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/vcgeneral/thread/eb49be0b-2a8c-4d55-8791-17e3cb1364c1
> "
> This issue is caused because cygwin does not implement a full login process. 
> It tries to impersonate, but it looks to me as if it does not make the 
> necessary call to LsaLogonUser. As a result, the wrong SID is in the token as 
> the primary user. According to filemon, the debug server calls into secur32, 
> which suggests that it is doing interpretive access control. It finds the 
> service's SID instead of the users SID in some slot in the token that it gets 
> via RPC, and then everything goes downhill from there.Why VS feels the need 
> to put the PDB access in a separate process under separate access rights is 
> very puzzling, but there it is.
> "
> Bug in Cygwin sshd?
> - Jay

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