2009/8/4 Christopher Faylor:
> I just noticed one of those annoying black boxes when running X on
> Windows 7.  I don't think I ever tried to run X there before.
> The first release of Cygwin which was supposed to fix this problem
> was 1.7.0-51 but I can't even run X with that version.
> Have the console windows always been showing up for xterm in Windows 7?

Are you running xterm directly from "Run..." or some such? In that
case, the console popping up is normal, happens on XP too. It's
because xterm is itself a console subsystem program, and unlike rxvt
it doesn't do anything to hide the console. (The hidden console trick
in spawn() of course is for the benefit of GUI subsystem programs that
invoke console programs, e.g. XWin and mintty.)

Solution: compile xterm with "--Wl,subsystem,windows". Or run it
through "run.exe".


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