On 8/5/2009 4:16 AM, Harald Joerg wrote:
Very rarely I need to type one or two japanese characters in my
emacs, and I recall that I did it with LEIM and set-input-method quite
easily. However, in my current installation, emacs says that LEIM
isn't installed.
The cygwin installer says:
LEIM is part of emacs package now.
The directory where LEIM used to be, /usr/share/21.2/leim/, exists but
is empty, both on my machine and on
There's no LEIM at all in
but the title says "(including LEIM)".
As a workaround, I fetched emacs-leim from the web, extracted the
tar.bz2 and symlinked the contents to /usr/share/21.2/leim. Now
set-input-method works as expected. But I doubt that this is how it
ought to be.
* Is there something wrong with my installation (old installation,
carried over from another machine)?
No. There was confusion a couple of years ago when it looked like emacs
was going to be updated to version 22.1 (which did include leim). At
that point emacs-leim was declared obsolete. Unfortunately, the
emacs-22.1 build turned out to be unstable, but emacs-leim was never
* Would a switch to emacs and emacs-el 23.0.92 be the recommended
solution (emacs-el 23.0.92 apparently contains LEIM)?
Yes. BTW, emacs-el is irrelevant; it just contains the library source
files (*.el). The byte-compiled libraries (*.elc), including leim, are
in the emacs package.
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