On Aug  6 15:38, Nahor wrote:
> Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>> On 08/06/2009 05:25 PM, Nahor wrote:
>>> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>>>  Note that it doesn't do a simple
>>>> POSIX permission bit check, rather it calls an OS function asking
>>>> "does *this* account have the right to execute *that* file?" That
>>>> should result in the most consistent behaviour, as far as Windows
>>>> consistency goes.
>>> Cygwin can't also check with an account with the same login and
>>> password? I assume that's what Windows does and why I'm allowed, as a
>>> user LOCAL\nahor, to access the share that belongs exclusively to the
>>> user DOMAIN\nahor.
>> I doubt that assumption would hold up to much scrutiny.  Local and
>> domain users, despite how similar the name and/or password might be,
>> don't have any relationship to each other.   There's a unique ID
>> generated for a user of either type so there's no definitive way to
>> correlate one user ID with another, even if that was desirable.  I
>> think you'll find that you have access to the share because you've
>> been authenticated to use it, regardless of whether you're using the
>> local or domain version of your login.  But that has little bearing on  
>> the
>> script in question.  Since Windows doesn't see the script as executable,
>> asking it for help in this matter wouldn't be useful, no matter who the
>> user is when the question is asked.
> Maybe you're right but why can I execute a binary then?
> I copied notepad.exe on the share. I set its permissions to 700. I can  
> then launch notepad without problem. But with scripts, that doesn't work.
> So somewhere, in Windows or in Cygwin, something must behave  
> differently. Could it then be that Windows doesn't check the execute  
> permission when executing from a share?

I think there's some magic going on between your local Windows and the
Samba server.  This magic doesn't kick in when performing a straight
permission check.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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