
which suggested the use of setx.exe utility from the w2k
resource kit.  setx.exe allows you the set an environment
variable for the whole operating system rather than just the
particular shell that you are using.

I wrote the following bash script which I've been using a
few month:

eval `ssh-agent -s`

if [ "$OSTYPE" = "cygwin" ]; then

>>>>> "DP" == David Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    DP> Hello,
    DP> Does anyone know how to start the explorer.exe process from ssh-agent when
    DP> you log into an NT/2000 system?

    DP> I'm trying to do the same as "ssh-agent /etc/X11/xinit/xclients" to make the
    DP> ssh agent available to all programs through the environment variables.

    >> From within a cygwin bash shell I can do "exec ssh-agent bash" (followed by
    DP> ssh-add) and have everything work from that shell, but of course the
    DP> variables don't exist in any other shells.

    DP> It would seem like having ssh-agent launch explorer when you log in would
    DP> work, but I don't know what to tweak where in the registry.

    DP> Thanks,
    DP> -dave.

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