At 03:48 PM 1/15/01 +1300, Hoyt, Ben wrote:

> > This  works for me
> > BEGIN {
> >   print system(" /c dir")
> >   }
> >
> > but I'm sure that is in my path.
> > I suppose if you're on NT, it might be cmd.exe.
> >
>         Interesting. It doesn't for me. :-( I'm running Win95 and
> is definitely in my path. The above awk program simply displays
>a "0" and nothing else. I guess by "it works for me" you mean displaying the
>directory? Hmmm.. oh well. Thanks again.

Yes, I see the directory followed by 0.

See what happens when you type "which"
at the bash prompt.

Try substituting that output for "" in the system call.

BTW, I'm stuck in the "stone age" at Cygwin 1.0 (CD version).
Later versions may work differently.


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