programs are available as part of the "misc" package at CygUtils:

This package contains a grab-bag of goodies I've collected or written
over the years, and have found useful on occaision.  These include:

 ascii.exe: simple utility for displaying the ASCII character set 

 putclip.exe: copy stdin to the Windows clipboard 
 getclip.exe: copy Windows clipboard to stdout 

 uuencode.exe: encode a file into unambiguous 7bit format 
 uudecode.exe: decode a file encoded by uuencode
   --> these 2 are based on the GNU release of the uuencode 
       tools, which in turn were based on the original 
       1983 UCalBerkeley release
 conv.exe: a utility for converting line endings between DOS and UNIX 
 d2u.exe: a copy of conv.exe which defaults to converting DOS->UNIX 
 u2d.exe: a copy of conv.exe which defaults to converting UNIX->DOS 
   --> these 3 are based on hd2c package from Peter Hanecak, 
       but heavily modified.


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